Saturday, July 5, 2014

Crimes of Fashion: Decade of Disturbance: The 80’s

I may have been jamming to Disney on the stereo and chillin’ in my crib, but even I can remember the abominable and ghastly crimes of fashion committed by 80’s hollywood starlets to your average soccer mom. I’ve listed a few of the most heinous criminal offenses of 80’s fashion below. 

  1. Fluorescent everything. If I wanted to glow in the dark like an orange safety vest, I would have worn one. From shoes to clothing, garish and technicolor pinks, greens and yellows ruled blindingly supreme. 
  2. Perms the tighter the better. When did looking like a wet poodle in need of a combing become a fashion do? Curls and twisted ringlets made hair resemble a fried and cumbersome rat’s nest. 
  3. Large plastic jewelry in geometric shapes. Ladies, this was just plain tacky. Wearing a gigantic pyramid shaped pendant larger than your head with a matching set of earrings which looked like they belonged on the side of a bunny’s head was not cool. 
  4. Acid washed jeans. Light colors bring attention to so many flaws as this pear-shaped woman knows. Acid washed jeans were like a spotlight in the dark for the anatomically-challenged female. 
  5. Stirrup Pants. Unless you are going riding, swear off this horsey attire. 
  6. Large Bows on Grown Women. If you aren’t five, this just don’t jive. 
  7. Shoulder Pads. Why does anyone want to look like a linebacker for the Chicago Bears in their “power suit”?
  8. Crimped hair. Let’s make our hair look like bad wallpaper that should have been hung in your grandparents' living room.

And the list continues....

All photos are from the website In the 80s .

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